Surgical techniques in plastic surgery

Surgical techniques in plastic surgery

Surgical techniques in plastic surgery

Surgical techniques in plastic surgery

Following are the techniques used to perform cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries:

Endoscopic Surgery

It is a type of surgery in which the doctor uses endoscope to perform the surgery. Endoscope is medical equipment which has a camera and a light at its head. It is inserted via small incision, the images captured by the camera are projected to a screen and with the help of it the surgeon maneuvers the endoscope. Actual surgery is performed by other equipment which is inserted from different incision.

Flap Surgery

Flap surgery is taking a live and healthy tissue from one location of the body to the other. These could include areas which have lost skin, got  detached from the bone, have lost fat or lost muscle movement. Depending upon the type of flap and the component of the body that needs to be repaired there are different methods of flap surgery.

  • Local flap is a method where the surgeon takes the tissue from the nearest area (also called donor site) to the wound to cover the wound.
  • Regional Flap is the same method as the local flap the only difference is that the donor site is little further from the wound.
  • Bone flap in this the surgeon uses special tools to remove part of the bone. After the surgery the bone flap is restored back with the help of titanium screws and plates.
  • Musculocutaneous flap surgery, surgeon replaces the surgical site with a large chunk of muscle or tissue from the donor site.
  • Microvascular free flap uses microsurgery to cut the blood vessels and then join it back together.

Laser surgery

One of the most in demand kind of surgery, as the name suggest uses Laser as a medium to operate. There are many kind of lasers used depending upon the area and the purpose of the surgery. The advantages of laser surgeries are no scar, no bleeding and time efficient.

Skin graft

As the name suggest it includes taking a portion of skin from donor site to restore the damaged site. It provides an overall normal look to the skin. It also have some different types of grafting method which are as follows

  • Split thickness graft which takes the skin just from the surface to treat wounds like burnt skin. The donor site is chosen on the basis of size and severity of the wound.
  • Full thickness graft is graft where the skin is extracted by cutting deep. It is used to treat big, deep wounds.
  • Composite graft includes extraction of all the layers beneath the skin.

Tissue expansion

Tissue expansion is a technique used by surgeon to grow additional skin, bone or tissues. The doctor injects a liquid beneath the site where the correction is required.

Preparation for surgery

  • Inquire about benefits, risk involved and other needs of the surgery.
  • Seek every information like the procedure, type of anesthesia or recovery time.
  • Provide correct information about your previous or ongoing illness, medication or allergies
  • Adhere to the instruction provided like no alcohol consumption for a recommended time period before/after the procedure
  • Follow instruction like bathing or shaving, that are essential before operation.
  • Understand the order of medication properly and follow it.
  • No make up, jewllary or contact lenses allowed inside operation theatre.
  • Arrange insurance for the surgery as most procedures does not comes under insurance policy.
  • Make prior arrangements for your ride home after your surgery.

Surgery Second Opinion has some of the experienced and established in the field of plastic surgeries you can  book your second opinion for surgery from here. or contact us on Whatsapp number 9319575361.