knee replacement surgery 2nd opinion

Knee replacement surgery 2nd opinionknee replacement surgery 2nd opinion

What is Second Opinion?

Second opinion means consulting a second doctor for a diagnosis – already done or in process – by the first doctor. It is done in order to affirm or provide recommendation on the on going treatment. It provides informed and better understanding of your case. 

What is 2nd opinion doctor online?

SSO is an online platform where people can get second opinion from the pool of experts that they have accumulated from all over India. The medical experts are referred to as 2nd opinion doctor online in layman’s language.

What is SSO?

SSO is Surgery Second Opinion an online platform which provides second opinion for almost every surgery out there. SSO has collaborated with leading medical super experts from India.

Knee replacement surgery 2nd opinion

Causes of knee pain

The main cause of degradation in the function of the knee is Arthritis. In India, arthritis is the most common condition in orthopedic department.

The three common types of Arthritis are

  • Osteoarthritis: This happens due to age where the cartilage gets torn out and the two bones rub against each other causing pain.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: The synovial membrane becomes unable in producing lubrication which in turn damages the cartilage.
  • Post-traumatic arthritis: As the name suggests damage to cartilage, ligament or muscle due to some accident causing distress and knee pain.

These are some major reason for your orthopedic surgeon to recommend knee replacement surgery.

The surgery

After the incision has been made on the surgical site the first is to:

  • remove out the damaged cartilage or other parts of the knee. This is done to prepare the site for attaching prosthesis.
  • knee implants made up of metal is then positioned at the surface of the joint. Usage of cemented prosthesis is common which has surgical cement to hold the implant on the joint.
  • Then other changes are made depending upon the condition like resurfacing the Patella.
  • plastic spacer is placed finally between the metallic components to make less friction and smooth motion.

Post surgery

Post surgery you’ll be kept under observation in a recovery room where you’ll be encourage to move your foot and ankle which increases the blood flow in the leg.

Depending upon the condition you’ll have to stay in the hospital. Some get discharged the same day as the surgery. The physiotherapist will laid down some leg exercises which need to be followed at home for better recovery.

Once you return home, it is critical to keep the surgical area clean and dry. Follow the medication and physical exercise for regaining strength.

You’ll have to be cautious while bathing and while walking. Use crutches, cane or walker to walk.

knee replacement surgery 2nd opinion knee replacement surgery 2nd opinion knee replacement surgery 2nd opinion

online medical consultation

medical second opinion surgery in India medical second opinion surgery in India

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2nd opinion doctor online

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